Portfolio Watchlists
A Portfolio Watchlist allows you to monitor the Intrinsic Value measurements for your weighted Portfolio and its components.
As frequently as you like, we will email your Portfolio Watchlist with the updated Status of the Portfolio and each Stock.
You can have as many Portfolio Watchlists as you like. Send us by email any additions or deletions to your Portfolio Watchlists, or changes to the stock weightings.
Click on any Stock name to see the underlying Intrinsic Value graphs, which can be shown absolutely and relative to the local market.

- Knowledge of overall Portfolio Intrinsic Value Yield and its "Status" enhances the Investment Manager's control
- If the Portfolio's Status is a "Buy" it indicates Opportunity; the opposite is true if its Status is "Sell"
- Statuses shown for each holding in the Portfolio allows the Manager to view strengths and weaknesses