The investment objective of the Sub-Fund is to achieve long-term capital growth, which should be seen as five years plus, through both capital appreciation and income generation.
In seeking to achieve the Sub-Fund's objective, the portfolio will consist predominantly (75% or greater) of listed companies in high-income economies (as defined by the World Bank from time to time). The investments will be ordinary shares and other transferable securities including, but not limited to, preference shares and debt securities convertible into ordinary stocks and shares. The Sub-Fund may also invest in cash, money market instruments, deposits, warrants and units in other collective investment schemes.
The Sub-Fund will typically consist of between 25-50 holdings and may also invest in companies which are not listed in high-income economies if the investment manager believes that they should be beneficial for the Sub-Fund.
If you are interested in knowing more about the fund please read our Prospectus,
or contact either Valu-Trac, the ACD,
or the investment manager, Tyndall Investment Management Limited
Assessment of value statements are published annually for this fund - These reports are useful to give an overview of how the Fund has performed in comparison to industry comparators.