The investment objective of the Fund is to achieve capital growth over the long term (5-7 years) with an emphasis towards higher risk assets such as equities and a lower focus towards lower risk assets such as cash and fixed income.
The Fund will seek to achieve its objective by investing primarily (70%+) consisting of a range of OEICS, Unit Trusts, other collective investment vehicles (including exchanged traded funds and funds managed and/or operated by the ACD) providing exposure to asset classes which are diversified globally including equities, fixed income, money market instruments, cash, property and commodities. The portfolio will be diversified across 20 - 50 holdings. Equity exposure within the portfolio will vary between 40% and 85%.
The Fund may also invest in other transferable securities, money market instruments, deposits, cash and near cash.
The Fund will invest in both active and passive (that is those investments which aim to track the performance of various financial indices) investments to achieve its objective.
Save as noted above, the Fund will not have any particular geographic, industry or economic sector focus and as such weightings in these may vary as required.
The fund name changed from VT KMGIM Medium High Risk to VT KMGIM Growth on 10 March 2023.
Assessment of value statements are published annually for this fund - These reports are useful to give an overview of how the Fund has performed in comparison to industry comparators.