The investment objective of the Fund is to achieve capital growth over the medium to long term (5 years and over) with the potential for also providing income.
The Fund will typically invest around 40% (although this may fluctuate between 35% and 45% due to market movements) of its portfolio in a range of actively-managed OEICS, Unit Trusts, and other collective investment vehicles (including exchange-traded funds, and which may include funds managed and/or operated by the ACD or Investment Adviser) providing exposure to a globally-diversified range of equities.
The funds held in this part of the Fund's portfolio will be managed by a carefully selected range of active fund managers.
The remainder of the Fund will be invested in collective investment vehicles (which will typically be passively managed) that provide exposure to fixed-income instruments (and potentially alternatives) or, where not invested in the above, in a combination of cash, money-market instruments, fixed-income instruments or equities. This part of the Fund will be actively managed with the underlying exposure to different instruments and vehicles varying based on the ACD's assessment of wider market conditions and which investments will best assist in the objective of the Fund being achieved.
As the Fund has global exposure some investments may be held in non-sterling currencies.
The Fund is actively managed.
The Fund will not have any particular geographic, industry or economic sector focus and as such weightings in these may vary as required.
Assessment of value statements are published annually for this fund - These reports are useful to give an overview of how the Fund has performed in comparison to industry comparators.