Valu-Trac Investment Management Limited


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Services (VTAS)
   Moray Place Investment Company
   Alligator Fund ICVC
   EPIC Markets (UK) LLP
   -  VT EPIC Asian Centric Global Growth
   -  VT EPIC Diversified Income Fund
   -  VT EPIC Multi Asset Funds
   -  VT EPIC UK Equity Market Fund
   Protean Capital LLP
   -  VT Protean Capital Elder Fund
   -  VT Protean Capital PROCSI CoRE Fund
   The Discovery Fund
   -  Discovery Balanced Fund
   -  Discovery Cautious Fund
   -  Discovery Growth Fund
   Valu-Trac Equity Income Fund A
   VT AI-FUNDS Tactical High Yield Bond
   VT AJ Bell Funds ICVC
   -  VT AJ Bell Adventurous Fund
   -  VT AJ Bell Balanced Fund
   -  VT AJ Bell Cautious Fund
   -  VT AJ Bell Global Growth Fund
   -  VT AJ Bell Income Fund
   -  VT AJ Bell Income & Growth Fund
   -  VT AJ Bell Moderately
Adventurous Fund
   -  VT AJ Bell Moderately
Cautious Fund
   -  VT AJ Bell Responsible Screened
Growth Fund
   VT Argonaut Funds
   -  VT Argonaut Absolute Return Fund
   -  VT Argonaut Equity Income Fund
   -  VT Argonaut European Alpha Fund
   -  VT Argonaut Flexible Fund
   VT Asset Intelligence Funds
   -  VT Asset Intelligence Cautious Alpha Fund
   -  VT Asset Intelligence Defensive Fund
   -  VT Asset Intelligence Global Equity Fund
   -  VT Asset Intelligence Growth Fund
   VT Astute Funds ICVC
   -  VT Astute Balanced Fund
   -  VT Astute Conservative Fund
   -  VT Astute Growth Fund
   VT Avastra Funds
   -  VT Avastra Global Alternatives Fund
   -  VT Avastra Global Equity Fund
   -  VT Avastra Global Fixed Income Fund
   VT Blackfinch Funds ICVC
   -  VT Blackfinch Balanced Portfolio Fund
   -  VT Blackfinch Cautious Portfolio Fund
   -  VT Blackfinch Defensive Portfolio Fund
   -  VT Blackfinch Income Portfolio Fund
   VT Brompton Funds ICVC
   -  VT Brompton Adventurous Fund
   -  VT Brompton Cautious Fund
   VT Cantab Funds ICVC
   -  VT Cantab Balanced
   -  VT Cantab Moderate
   -  VT Cantab Global Equity Fund
   VT Cape Wrath Focus Fund
   VT Castlebay UK Equity Fund
   VT Chelsea Managed ICVC
   -  VT Chelsea Managed Agressive
Growth Fund
   -  VT Chelsea Managed Balanced Growth Fund
   -  VT Chelsea Managed Cautious Growth Fund
   -  VT Chelsea Managed Monthly Income Fund
   VT De Lisle America Fund
   VT Dominium Holdings ICVC
   VT Downing Funds
   -  VT Downing European Unconstrained
Income Fund
   -  VT Downing Global Investors Fund
   -  VT Downing Listed Infrastructure
Income Fund
   -  VT Downing Small & Mid-Cap Income Fund
   -  VT Downing Unique Opportunities Fund
   VT Downing Fox Funds
   -  VT Downing Fox 40% Equity
   -  VT Downing Fox 60% Equity
   -  VT Downing Fox 80% Equity
   -  VT Downing Fox 100% Equity
   VT Esprit FS ICVC
   -  VT Esprit Careful Growth Fund
   -  VT Esprit Sustainable Growth Fund
   -  VT Esprit Tactical Alpha Plus Fund
   -  VT Esprit Tactical Balanced Fund
   -  VT Esprit Tactical Growth Fund
   VT Evelyn Partners Investment Funds ICVC
   -  VT Dromore Investment Fund
   -  VT Evelyn Global Dynamic Fund
   -  VT Mustang Fund
   VT Freedom UCITS OEIC
   -  VT Freedom Balanced
   -  VT Freedom Cautious
   -  VT Freedom Defensive
   -  VT Freedom Long Term Balanced
   -  VT Freedom Long Term Growth
   VT Garraway Absolute Equity Fund
   VT Global Total Return Fund
   VT Gravis Funds
   -  VT Gravis Clean Energy Income Fund
   -  VT Gravis Digital Infrastructure
Income Fund
   -  VT Gravis UK Infrastructure Income Fund
   -  VT Gravis UK Listed Property (Feeder) Fund
   -  VT Gravis UK Listed Property (PAIF) Fund
   VT Greystone Funds
   -  VT Greystone Balanced Managed Fund
   -  VT Greystone Cautious Managed Fund
   -  VT Greystone Conservative Managed Fund
   -  VT Greystone Global Growth Fund
   VT Halo Asia Growth Fund
   VT Highlight British Companies Fund
   VT Holland Advisors Equity Fund
   VT Johnston Financial Funds ICVC
   -  VT Johnston Cautious Portfolio
   -  VT Johnston Growth Portfolio
   VT KMGIM Growth
   VT Lyndon Fund
   VT Momentum Investment Funds
   -  VT Momentum Diversified Cautious
   -  VT Momentum Diversified Balanced
   -  VT Momentum Diversified Moderate
   -  VT Momentum Diversified Growth Fund
   -  VT Momentum Diversified Income Fund
   VT Munro Smart-Beta UK Fund
   VT North Capital Active Equity Fund
   VT PEF Global Multi-Asset Fund
   VT PortfolioMetrix GBP Funds ICVC
   -  VT PortfolioMetrix GBP Core Assertive Fund
   -  VT PortfolioMetrix GBP Core Balanced Fund
   -  VT PortfolioMetrix GBP Core Cautious Fund
   -  VT PortfolioMetrix GBP Allocation
Assertive Fund
   -  VT PortfolioMetrix GBP Allocation
Balanced Fund
   VT Portfolio Solutions ICVC
   -  VT Elston Multi-Asset Income Fund
   -  VT Elston Liquid Real Assets Index Fund
   VT Price Value Portfolio
   VT Redlands Funds
   -  VT Redlands Equity Portfolio
   -  VT Redlands Fixed Income Portfolio
   -  VT Redlands Multi-Asset Portfolio
   -  VT Redlands Property Portfolio
   VT RM Funds ICVC
   -  VT RM Alternative Income Fund
   -  VT RM Global Real Opportunities Fund
   VT Rossie House Portfolio Fund
   VT SG UK Defined Return Assets Fund
   VT Sinfonia OEIC
   -  VT Sinfonia Adventurous Growth Portfolio
   -  VT Sinfonia Balanced Managed Portfolio
   -  VT Sinfonia Cautious Managed Portfolio
   -  VT Sinfonia Income Portfolio
   -  VT Sinfonia Income and Growth Portfolio
   VT Smartfund ICVC
   -  VT Smartfund Balanced Strategy
   -  VT Smartfund Cautious Strategy
   -  VT Smartfund Growth Strategy
   VT Sorbus Vector Funds ICVC
   -  VT Sorbus Vector Fund 1
   -  VT Sorbus Ethics Fund
   -  VT Shaheen Global
   -  VT Blackwood Keystone
   -  VT Blackwood Prime
   VT Tatton Oak ICVC
   -  VT Active Portfolio Overlay Fund
   -  VT Aggressive Portfolio Overlay Fund
   -  VT Balanced Portfolio Overlay Fund
   -  VT Cautious Portfolio Overlay Fund
   -  VT Defensive Portfolio Overlay Fund
   -  VT Tatton Blended Active Fund
   -  VT Tatton Blended Aggressive Fund
   -  VT Tatton Blended Balanced Fund
   -  VT Tatton Blended Cautious Fund
   -  VT Tatton Blended Defensive Fund
   -  VT Tatton Oak Capital Growth Fund
   -  VT Tatton Oak Cautious Growth Fund
   -  VT Tatton Passive Balanced Fund
   -  VT Tatton Passive Cautious Fund
   -  VT Tatton Passive Growth Fund
   VT Teviot UK Smaller Companies Fund
   VT Tyndall Funds ICVC
   -  VT Tyndall Global Select Fund
   -  VT Tyndall North American Fund
   -  VT Tyndall Unconstrained UK Income Fund
   VT Vanneck Funds
   -  VT Vanneck Defensive Fund
   -  VT Vanneck Global Equity Income Fund
   -  VT Vanneck Global Growth Fund
   -  VT Vanneck Investment Growth Fund
   VT Woodhill UK Equity Strategic Fund


VT Garraway Absolute Equity Fund *SUSPENDED*


UPDATE : 4 January 2022 We write to provide an update and to inform you that:

(i) The final capital distribution has been set with ex-date 31/12/2021 and pay date 28/02/2022; and
(ii) This constitutes the final realisation of value in the Fund so all shareholdings can now be written off.

Click here to view the full announcement

Notice: The VT Garraway Absolute Equity Fund is in the process of being terminated. For further information about the current NAV per share (post interim distributions), shareholders should email Valu-Trac at or call 01343 880 344.


    Garraway Capital Management LLP

The VT Garraway Absolute Equity Fund is a fundamental equity long short strategy which aims to provide a positive absolute return for investors over rolling thirty-six month periods primarily through exposure to UK and global equities. (For all short and some long positions this is achieved through the use of derivatives which give the equivalent exposure of physical equities). The Fund is managed against a cash benchmark (3 month LIBOR), reflecting the aim to deliver a positive return in all stock market conditions. There is no actual guarantee that these returns will be achieved over the specified, or any, time period and capital is not guaranteed.



Key Investor Information Class A Accumulation Class A Income
(please click on the relevant share class on the right) Class F Accumulation Class F Income
Class I Accumulation Class I Income
Class R Accumulation Class R Income


Questions and Queries

For frequently asked questions or further information about your holdings or this fund please:

Email the Fund Team or call us on: 01343 880 344 and quote the fund name.

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