Notice: The VT Downing Listed Infrastructure Income Fund is going through the termination process as at 1 February 2024.
For further information about this Fund, please email Valu-Trac at
or call 01343 880 344.
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The investment objective of the Fund is to generate income and preserve capital with potential for capital growth, all over the long term (5 years). |
The Fund's will seek to achieve its objective by investing at least 80% in a concentrated portfolio of infrastructure and infrastructure related companies (including, but not limited to, those whose primary activity or exposure is in the UK transport, healthcare, utilities, communication, and renewable energy infrastructure sector which are listed in the United Kingdom (including REITS). The Fund will have a specific focus on investments denominated in Sterling, which are themselves invested in Sterling assets and which have most or all of their activities within the UK.
It is expected that the market capitalisation (i.e. value) of companies within the Fund's portfolio will vary with the Investment Manager trying to ensure there is a spread between larger and smaller companies at all times. In addition to investing in equities, the Fund may also invest in other transferable securities (i.e. including those which do not have an infrastructure focus), bonds, collective investment schemes, money market instruments, deposits, cash and near cash.
The Fund may hold derivatives for Efficient Portfolio Management purposes (including hedging). It is not intended that the use of derivatives for EPM purposes will increase the risk profile of the Fund.
The Fund does not integrate any kind of sustainability into the investment process.
The Fund is not managed to or constrained by a benchmark, and nor does the ACD use a benchmark in order to assess performance, however, the performance of the Fund can be compared to that of the MSCI UK Index. This benchmark has been selected as it is considered that this index most closely reflects the investments which the Fund will make (and its risk/return objectives) at the current time. For the avoidance of doubt, the Investment Manager is not bound or influenced by the index when making its decisions and can make investments that are not included in the index.
Assessment of value statements are published annually for this fund - These reports are useful to give an overview of how the Fund has performed in comparison to industry comparators.
TCFD Reports