The investment objective of the VT Chelsea Managed Balanced Growth fund is to generate capital growth over the long term (5 years).
The Fund is expected to follow a balanced strategy with investment primarily (70% +) through collective investment schemes (including those managed or operated by the ACD) so as to provide a balance between exposure to asset classes which the ACD considers to lower risk (including cash, fixed income and assets following absolute return strategies) and those which it considers to be higher risk assets classes (typically equities).
The Fund may also invest directly in transferable securities, equities, bonds, money market instruments, cash and near cash, with commodity exposure being achieved through other collective investment schemes (including exchange traded funds).
Derivatives (that is sophisticated investment instruments linked to the rise and fall of the price of other assets) may be held for efficient portfolio management purposes.
There will be no particular emphasis on any industrial, geographic or economic sector.
Assessment of value statements are published annually for this fund - These reports are useful to give an overview of how the Fund has performed in comparison to industry comparators.